Applied Behavior Analysis MSEd

Temple’s Master of Science in Education in Applied Behavior Analysis 训练学生运用学习和行为的原则来影响对社会有重要意义的行为改变. 学生将学习如何通过分析相关环境变量和基于行为科学原理的干预措施来系统地改变行为. Behavior analysts have improved a wide range of everyday issues, including enhancing staff performance, improving public safety initiatives, teaching effective parenting skills, treating problem behavior in children, improving general and special education teaching strategies, rehabilitating individuals who abuse substances, and more.

应用行为分析硕士课程的毕业生有助于满足社会服务机构和教育机构对个人应用行为分析培训日益增长的需求, 特别是在为患有自闭症和其他智力和发育障碍的人服务方面.

应用行为分析研究生学位也为教育工作者做准备, 临床医生和其他帮助专业人员了解和实施干预措施,以解决技能缺陷和表现问题或问题行为. You’ll graduate with a diverse set of skills, 包括分析影响行为的环境变量的能力, create individualized interventions, 并评估干预措施的有效性,为基于数据的修改和继续决策提供信息.

This program fulfills the degree and coursework requirements (PDF)并部分满足董事会认证行为分析师证书的监督经验要求. 

跨学科的应用行为分析硕士课程融合了教育和心理学课程. 课程由具有顶级学术证书和从业经验的教师授课. 你将在坦普尔大学费城主校区兼职或全职完成你的课程. 有些课程在校外提供,也有在线同步课程.


Classes & Curriculum

Concepts taught in classes include

  • assessment of skill deficits and behavior problems,
  • principles of learning,
  • single subject research methodology and more.

See a full list of required and elective courses.

Related Graduate Degrees

Related Graduate Certificates

Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 这个教育科学硕士课程提供有竞争力的学费水平,并提供多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,105.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,518.00 per credit


Student Clubs & Organizations

在应对项目挑战的同时,寻求同伴的支持和领导机会. 你也会找到回馈社区的机会,无论是本地的还是全球的. Students can join the

  • Association for Behavior Analysis International, 全国行为分析领域的专业组织, 有很多机会让学生展示和参与;
  • Graduate Student Organization of the College of Education, 哪个组织举办以社区为基础的活动,如学校供应活动以及专业发展研讨会和活动. The organization upholds a strong commitment to social justice, 定期组织政治活动,并与社区伙伴一起参与项目;
  • Philadelphia Metropolitan Association for Behavior Analysis (PMABA), 国际行为分析协会的地方分会, which is hosted by Temple’s Applied Behavior Analysis program. PMABA hosts networking, journal discussion, 为学生和当地行为分析师举办专业发展活动; 
  • Temple University Graduate Students Association, a student employee union that maintains positive working lives and conditions for graduate student assistants; and the 
  • Temple Student Pennsylvania State Education Association, 哪个组织举办活动,分享有效的课堂技巧和其他资源,以培养教师.​

In addition, 还有其他一些当地的行为分析师专业组织鼓励学生参与其中. These include

Search for additional 教育与人类发展学院及与教育有关的学生组织.


For more information about this program, the College of Education and Human Development, how to apply for admission, and your application status, contact Enrollment Management.

Enrollment Management
Ritter Annex 150
1301 Cecil B. Moore Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Phone: 215-204-8011


Association for Behavior Analysis International Verification

国际行为分析协会已经对以下课程进行了认证,以符合参加委员会认证行为分析师®或委员会认证助理行为分析师®考试的资格要求. 申请人在被视为有资格参加考试之前,需要满足额外的要求.


Additional Program Information