Bachelor of Music in 爵士乐的研究 表演

Gain a holistic underst和ing of jazz as a performing art across an array of ensembles with the Bachelor of Music (BM) in 爵士乐的研究 表演 in Temple’s Boyer College of Music 和 Dance. You’ll develop a strong foundation for a career as a jazz composer, educator or performer. 123年信贷, full-time undergraduate degree prepares students to play with both instrumentalists 和 vocalists or as a solo performer.

课程 take a deeper dive into your jazz performance instrument of choice, taught by some of the most renowned 爵士艺术家和音乐家 在野外. Jazz 表演 majors take music history 和 theory courses in addition to the 爵士乐的研究 curriculum, 包括安排, 即兴创作, 风格和分析.

课堂外, students have opportunities to regularly perform at Temple’s Performing 艺术 Center, 以及场馆,如 Kimmel Center for the Performing 艺术林肯中心的爵士乐.

You can also explore information about the Bachelor of Music in 表演.

类 & 课程

In the Bachelor of Music in 爵士乐的研究 表演 degree program, you’ll advance your knowledge of key areas of study such as

  • 基本的进行,
  • 爵士乐的研究,
  • 音乐理论
  • 音乐产业.

Required courses also depend on which performance concentration you choose.

Learn more about the specific curriculum for the Bachelor of Music in 爵士乐的研究 表演.

Boyer student playing the trumpet.

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, the Bachelor of Music offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university 和 are affected by multiple factors, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Atten跳舞 breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.

These tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $21,504.00 /年
州外: $37,752.00 /年

学生俱乐部 & 组织


You can focus on one of the following concentrations for the Bachelor of Music in 爵士乐的研究 表演.

  • 巴松管
  • 大提琴
  • 单簧管
  • 低音提琴
  • 次中音号
  • 长笛
  • 法国号
  • 竖琴
  • 双簧管
  • 打击乐器
  • 钢琴
  • 萨克斯风
  • 长号
  • 小号
  • 大号
  • 中提琴
  • 小提琴
  • 的声音